HELD Seasons

You are at once the soil and the seed
the branch and the leaf
…you already are what you seek.

A seasonally offered 4-Week 1:1 Healing Container

Healing that does not include the Earth is incomplete.

Living in harmony with the seasons is a tradition as old as humanity itself. For eons our ancestors engaged in deep intimacy with the Earth. Experiencing the trees, soil, wind, and waters as Sacred kin.

In our modern world, most of us have experienced a severing from this holy connection. The concrete buildings and glowing screens of our age have caused us to forget who we are in relation to the planet, losing a profound part of being human. And in that loss there has been a also been a loss of support from the elements that our animal bodies NEED. Most physical, emotional, and spiritual dis-ease in today’s world is almost always rooted in a perceived lack of belonging to the natural world.

HELD Seasons is your HOMECOMING.

This seasonal offering is an opportunity for you to heal alongside the elements, gain Soulful wisdom from the season, experience more harmony and support in your daily life, and come home to your unique place in the web of life.

Over the course of 4-weeks and four 1:1 virtual Breathwork Healing sessions you will be immersed in the current season. Think of it as stepping into a ceremonial container where you get to return to the roots of Self for a whole month. Through Breathwork Healing, self-designed ceremony suggestions, and channeled Earth messages you will emerge resourced in TRUE BELONGING and ready to thrive in your purpose moving forward.

What’s included?

Four 1:1 Breathwork Healing Sessions over the course of 4-weeks (custom schedule created upon registration)


Self-Designed Ceremony Suggestions

Channeled Earth-Based Guidance

Email support between meetings

HELD Summer

Week One - “Wisdom of the Bloom” Breathwork Healing Session

Week Two - “Sacred Sun” Breathwork Healing Session

Week Three - “Full Expression” Breathwork Healing Session

Week Four - “Becoming Overflow” Breathwork Healing Session


Week One - “Settling In” Breathwork Healing Session

Week Two - “Full Body Exhale” Breathwork Healing Session

Week of Three - “Shedding Skin” Breathwork Healing Session

Week of Four - “Celebrating The Harvest” Breathwork Healing Session

HELD Winter

Week One - “Entering The Cave”
Breathwork for setting intentions and opening the conversation with Mother Earth

Week Two - “Seeing In The Dark”
Breathwork for making peace with where you’re at and unlocking your third eye to receive planetary messages

Week Three - “Death and Rebirth”
Breathwork for saying goodbye, moving with grief, and receiving intuitive guidance for your next steps

Week Four - “Welcoming The Sun”
Breathwork for gazing upon the horizon of your future and welcoming a new way of being in the world rooted in BELONGING

HELD Spring

Week ONE - “Preparing the ground” Breathwork Healing Session (Session scheduled from March 19-25)

Week TWO - “Tilling your inner landscape” Breathwork Healing Session (Session scheduled from March 26-April 1)

Week THREE - “Sacred Seed” Breathwork Healing Session (Session scheduled from April 2-8)

Week FOUR - “Calling in the Elements” Breathwork Healing Session (Session scheduled from April 9-16)

My prayer is that these next 4 weeks are a time of intimate connection between yourself and the Earth. That you leave with a renewed, embodied connection to your wholeness and clarity in your unique place in the web of life.

— Mackensey